
  • This kit includes Time Reaction, Disappearing OrangeAde, and Hard Water experiments all in one box, along with 4 graduated beakers, 1 lab coat and Teachers Manual. This kit can be used when experiments will be performed to large groups, 5 class periods at one time or the demonstrator wants to perform the experiments 12 - 24 times.
  • This kit explores multiple chemical reactions occurring in sequence in the same mixture. Combine three substances to create or modify new substances based on their physical properties. Observe the effect of concentration on how long it takes a reaction to occur. Mix and generate different color combinations using the same three chemical solutions and more…
  • This kit explores chemical and physical reactions, the effects of concentration, and answers such a question as "Does this food have starch?" Mix two colorless solutions and watch the mixture suddenly change from colorless to dark blue, add some water and observe how long it takes a reaction to occur… add in a solution and determine if you now have the solutions you started with and much more…
  • This kit covers Matter and its properties. Explore states of matter (solid, liquid, and gas) and observe that changes can occur to matter through heating and cooling. Investigate matter's measurable properties, including mass, volume, states, temperature, and relative density, to determine how it is classified, changed, and used and more…


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