What is Booom! The Magic Chemistry Kit?

Booom! The Magic Chemistry Kit (Kit) is a hands-on lab-in-a-box.
With only the Kit, a container with a lid to hold used solutions and a
container of water, educators and students can demonstrate the investigative experiments anywhere – in a classroom, library or even outside.
The Kit includes physical science and chemistry Investigations that inspire kids to learn science and chemistry. Carrying out the investigations won’t be boring. Students will:

  • be able to discuss and analyze information about physical changes and chemical changes and collaborate with other students about the surprising color changes they will see,
  • think critically about the role of indicators and why they are so important through a story about the Queen’s Capture,
  • see two liquids change into a solid, then turn it into a gas right before their very eyes, and then, ask scientific questions about states of matter (solids, liquids and gases),
  • evaluate why they can immediately touch a solid after extinguishing the hottest flame (evaporative cooling),
  • delve into combustion…and talk about when it is safe and clean and when it produces a poisonous gas,
  • use and develop models to advance their understanding of science and engineering, and much, much more!

Advanced Learning (Middle and High School)

  • While the Investigations set out above are covered in detail, reaction rates, ionic mobility, molecular interactions, evaporation, and endothermic and exothermic reactions can also be reviewed.
  • Additionally, graphing, plotting, estimating, formulas and balancing equations can be demonstrated using the kit.
  • There are three experiments (Time Reaction, Disappearing OrangeAde and Hard Waterin the Kit. There is a second set of the Time Reaction experiment in the Kit as well. The experiments can be performed many ways to achieve different results just by varying the amount of the solutions. Between 24 – 80 investigations can be achieved dependent on the amount of solutions used for each investigation. Proportional adjustment can be made by the educator or student which allows for graphing different results. 

Investigate, Analyze, Solve Complex Problems

Why Our Science Kit?

  • Our Science Kit is totally inclusive. Everything needed is provided in the Kit therefore there are no additional items to purchase. Solution Refills are available once depleted.
  • Our Science Kit is Unique. Educators can supplement curriculums K – 12 using the experiments in the Kit.
  • HOW?  The Science Kit can be customized to every grade level.
    • Elementary grade levels (K – 5th) dive into physical changes vs chemical changes, the role of indicators and states of matter (solids, liquids and gases).
    • Middle school grade levels (6th – 8th) repeat the Investigations, but then cover atoms, molecules, evaporative cooling, combustion, graphing, plotting, estimating, formulas and other mathematical concepts. They learn to predict reaction times based solely on graphing. They will use data generated to predict additional outcomes.
    • High school grade levels (9th – 12th), repeat the investigations, but the information becomes more complex, including molecular interactions, endothermic and exothermic reactions, ionic mobility, evaporative cooling and combustion, formulas, balancing equations and stoichiometric amounts.

What’s in the Science Kit?

Inside you will find:

    1. Teachers Manual (one)
    2. Time Reaction A (two 250 ml bottles)
    3. Time Reaction B (two 250 ml bottles)
    4. Disappearing OrangeAde A (one 250 ml bottle
    1. Disappearing OrangeAde B (one 500 ml bottle)
    1. Disappearing OrangeAde C (one 250 ml bottle)
    1. Hard Water A (one 250 ml bottle)
    2. Hard Water B (one 250 ml bottle)
    3. 50 ml beakers (four)
    1. Lab Coat or Apron (one)

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What standards and concepts does the Science Kit cover?

National and State standards:

      • Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)
      • Science and Engineering practices
      • Cross-cutting Concepts
      • Local standards
      • Disciplinary Core Ideas

Chemistry concepts:

      • Chemical nomenclature
      • Atomic structure
      • Chemical reactions
      • Stoichiometry

Scientific concepts:

      • Organization
      • Cause and effect
      • Systems
      • Scale refers to quantity, both relative and absolute
      • Models
      • Change
      • Structure and function
      • Variation
      • Diversity

Mathematical concepts:

      • Graphing
      • Plotting
      • Estimating
      • Formulas
      • Chemical equations
      • Balancing chemical equations